DNA Typing & Parentage Testing
Animal Genetics offers DNA Typing or profiling using pulled mane or tail hair as the source sample. Testing can be used for registration purposes, parentage/relationship testing, and for DNA data banking for positive identification of stolen horses.
DNA Profiling, also known as "DNA Fingerprinting" or "Genotyping" establishes a genetic code for individual horses of every breed. This test does not determine breed type, rather, it identifies specific gene markers that are inherited from both parents. Since 1992 Animal genetics and its avian division Avian Biotech International have tested over 1.5 million samples. Animal Genetics performs a wide range of assays including DNA typing, infectious disease screening, genetic disorders screening, coat color identification and genetic sex identification.
Our panel for Equine DNA Typing is based on the internationally accepted panel of microsatallite markers set up by the International Society for Animal Genetics (ISAG) and 11 additional industry used markers. Our equine profiles can be compared with other labs using the international alphanumeric nomenclature.
DNA typing has an efficacy rate greater than 99.99% for detection of incorrectly assigned parentage. Our laboratories are staffed with highly experienced people who process thousands of DNA tests from the United States and around the world. Our crosschecking procedures for processing and recording ensure the highest level of accuracy and quality control.
Our panel is the largest Standard equine STR marker panel in the industry. We have added an additional 5 markers to our initial panel bring the total to at least 20 Loci. Animal Genetics follows the standards set by the International Society of Animal Genetics (ISAG) and leading labs including The University of California Davis (U.C. Davis) and the University of Kentucky. All our profiles use a multi-plex genetic STR marker panel, consisting of 20 Loci: AHT4, AHT5, HMS1, HMS2, HMS6, HMS7, HTG4, HTG6, HTG7, VHL20, ASB2, HMS3, HTG10, ASB17, ASB23, LEX33, LEX3, CA425, UM011 and AME creating reliable results that are accepted throughout the world.

The DNA profile is presented to the customer in chart-form, and the universal markers we use conform to international standards, therefore can be cross-compared with marker-reports produced by other laboratories using the same methods.
For parentage testing, genetic matches between the DNA profiles of sampled horses are examined and evaluated. All conclusions are presented in writing shortly after testing is completed. Basic sire viability can be obtained using mane hair samples from both the foal and the prospective sire. However, since a foal inherits 50% of its DNA from its dam and 50% from its sire, mane hair samples are required from both parents in order to gain a 100% data match.
Submit a Sample for Testing:
To submit a sample for testing please click on ORDER and download a sample submission form. Then follow the sample collection and submission instructions.
Cost per sample is $40.00. Please see our fee schedules below for bulk and combination rates.