Bird Species List
Animal Genetics has the world's largest database of avian DNA samples, with over 2000 different species of birds from around the world.
Category: Dove-streptopelia |
Sort by Common Name | Sort by Latin Name |
Island Collared-Dove | Streptopelia bitorquata |
Philippine Collared Dove | Streptopelia bitorquata |
Ring-necked Dove | Streptopelia capicola |
Half-collared Dove | Streptopelia capicola |
Oriental Turtle-Dove | Streptopelia orientalis |
Eastern Turtle-Dove | Streptopelia orientalis |
Barbary Dove | Streptopelia risoria |
Tangerine Ring-necked Dove | Streptopelia risoria |
European Turtle-Dove | Streptopelia turtur |