Bird Species List
Animal Genetics has the world's largest database of avian DNA samples, with over 2000 different species of birds from around the world.
Category: Pigeon-ducula |
Sort by Common Name | Sort by Latin Name |
Green Imperial Pigeon | Ducula aenea |
Pied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula bicolor |
Torres Strait Pigeon | Ducula bicolor |
Chestnut-bellied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula brenchleyi |
White-bellied Imperial Pigeon | Ducula forsteni |
White Imperial Pigeon | Ducula luctuosa |
Meuller's Imperial Pigeon | Ducula mullerii |
Collared Imperial Pigeon | Ducula mullerii |
Black-collared Fruit Pigeon | Ducula mullerii |
Red-knobbed Imperial Pigeon | Ducula rubricera |
Purple-tailed Imperial Pigeon | Ducula rufigaster |
Torresian Imperial Pigeon | Ducula spilorrhoa |
Zoe's Imperial Pigeon | Ducula zoeae |